Environmental Stewardship

Tiger Creek Mitigation Bank

  • Environmental Stewardship



Southeast Division

A Home for Plants and Animals

Located just two miles from Vulcan’s fully operational Diamond Sand Plant in Lake Wales, Florida, is Tiger Creek Mitigation Bank. The more than 400-acres of Vulcan-owned property provides habitat for the federally protected sand skink and Bluetail Mole Skink, and also offers a unique assemblage of habitats that extend from scrub vegetation to a seepage slope dominated by bays and cutthroat grass. The sandy and well-drained soils host unique wildlife and plant species.

Tiger Creek will remain under conservation easement in perpetuity, remaining  home to various wildlife such as deer, bear, the state-listed gopher tortoise and Sherman’s fox squirrel, and the federally protected bald eagle.

Vulcan has worked with various federal and state regulatory agencies, as well as state and national not-for-profit conservation entities to conserve protected natural resources onsite. Some of those relationships include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, The Nature Conservancy and the Wildlife Foundation of Florida.